About Us
Fatto in casa
We are a family owned business called Fatto in Casa translation for “homemade”. Through our business we have continued our Italian tradition in making homemade Italian sausages, recipes that have been passed down over several generations, we deliver authentic and flavoursome Italian sausages.
For generations Sicilians have been making Sausages in their own special way, each town or home would produce a different type of family sausage, the type of meat varied as well as the mixture used. Each home had one thing in common and that was the love put into them.
I, Bruno was born and raised in Sicily, from a very young age I was introduced into this beautiful tradition and I grew a strong Love and admiration for food, my dream since then has been to keep this tradition going and to pass it down to younger generations.
Each and every sausage is carefully handmade in a HACCP certified environment, gluten free, made with Australian pork and hand cleaned natural casings.
Our promise is to maintain the high quality and standards, together with freshness, carried forward from my old family tradition, to ensure customer satisfaction.
We are a growing business, We are ambitious, and in true Italian tradition we undertake most processes by hand. It is our passion that ultimately will make the difference!
Our aim is to give the generation of today the opportunity to still enjoy the homemade sausages that their families once made, and to help them understand and grow passion and love for such an important tradition.